We are building a global community to create a safe space where people feel empowered to be their truest self and where everyone has access to the resources and tools they need to thrive.

Astrologer and tarot reader Chris Corsini laying in the grass looking up into the distance, wearing a black beanie, black sunglasses and a black t-shirt,  offers horoscope predictions and astrology workshops online.

It began with a workshop. It became so much more. Chris Corsini has grown beyond one person, to a community and collective for healing, expansion, and transformation. In everything we do, we honor and celebrate the diversity that makes us whole, and empower humans to find the answers within themselves.

Tarot cards laying on a table, with a lit melting red wax candle.

Whether you experience Chris Corsini through workshops, social media, music, ASL, Wheelhouse or elsewhere, we want you to feel empowered and inspired to live authentically and create positive changes in your life and in the world around you. We hope that you gain a deeper connection with yourself and a greater understanding of your purpose and place in the Universe. That you feel a sense of belonging and community through a shared interest in spiritually insightful resources. And that you experience a feeling of safety and acceptance in exploring your spirituality on a deeper level.

Astrologer and tarot reader Chris Corsini wearing a backwards black cap, large rectangle framed sunglasses, a silver chain necklace, a baby blue sweater and an orange backpack, looking off into the distance, offers horoscope predictions and astrology workshops online.


Chris Corsini is an artist, psychic and intuitive energy/tarot card reader who provides wildly popular energy, astrology and moon cycle-based horoscopes, workshops, and other online events, always ensuring his events and content are accessible and affordable to everyone. In 2019, Chris gained more than 400k followers by offering unique tools and resources for growth and transformation, and became the go-to personal tarot card reader for A-list celebrities and others who describe his readings as “freakishly accurate.” His following and popularity continue to grow, thanks to his unique approach to spirituality and wellness, and his enthusiastic followers and fans.

Chris Corsini and the Collective are blooming like this beautiful red Dahlia flower on black background.


Chris Corsini supports a wide range of marginalized communities through offering his platform as a space to elevate their voices and hands, helping create further reach and impact. Moreso, he gives back 11% of all profits to charitable causes, including those supporting Deaf and Disabled populations, LGBTQIA2S+, BIPOC, sustainability efforts, Indigenous communities, and more. We deeply appreciate your contributions, allowing us to share the abundance, worldwide.